Just a few lines to say hello and let everyone know you are about to become a member of a very special and very inportant team. All of use have a role in our parents life, that is not their favorite topic of conversation but one we are all talking about and that is their changing health. I say parent because Uncle bill has always been a father figure to me. I have been watching and listening to everyone in their care and concern for him. Uncle Bill who lives here in florida where he is happy, but more inportant to him is his ability to travel and visit his children and grandchildren.And I know you guys need to know he is ok. So I have educated myself to the facts of heart failour and understand what it is.Out of concern for my own mother and now Uncle Bill So I dubed myself team leader in the sence that Uncle Bill needs a pair of eyes and ears at the Dr. office as i would if it were my father.My eyes might not be good but my ears and mouth are quite fine.So we now have team McCauley here in Florida, headed by myself, Gary, Lauren, Uncle jimmy, and Cathleen as support team doers. Whatever that intails they will do.Then we have team NY headed by Scott and Gail and anyone else that is related in that area when Uncle Bill is in the area. Then team Kyle in the chicargo area, Owen in Nabraska I think thats where you live?hehee anyway and Dr Laura and Chris in Califorina. I give Uncle Bill a big thumbs up for his efforts to do as his Dr say, he is eating healthy taking his medications montering his weight and watching his salt no pushing pulling or lifting anything heavy. Uncle bill has the best part of his health plan under control and that is his healthy attitude towards changes in his health and life and a positive willingness to do whatever he has to to live his best life possibale a good attitude is his best defence. A few others in the family who shall remain nameless should use him as a role model.All health conditions can be managed but you need a cooperating body to do the work and except help when needed.In no way does this mean your life is over it just needs a little fine tuning and we all are a team when it comes to family and should all be on the same page when it comes to family members that don't live near family.It is with love and concern for my uncle Bill and knowing how much my cousins lover their father and aunt Gail I wrote this post.with much love Team florida
Posted by helenmary at
3:06 PM